Purpose of this Blog

This Blog has been created for assessment purposes (CQU Managing E-Learning Course), representing an example classroom blog rather than an actual classroom blog.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013


During today's exploration of the Five Senses, the Koalas made a HANDY little resource - the Hi 5 Senses Reminder - designed as a mnemonic device to help them recall their five senses. We have five senses and we have five fingers  ... okay, ten, but we only need ONE hand for this! Anyway, I thought it might be a good idea to help the children recall their five senses by linking them to their five fingers and five very cute little Friends!  These will remain at school to help the children learn the My Five Friends Five Senses Rhyme, but the template is available on the class website for the children to make another one at home if they would like to.

                                images: clker.com    activity: Fiona Gately, 2013 (c)
Some of the children then decided to use the digital camera to take short videos of each other telling about their favourite My Five Friends friend. We wanted to share these with you, so here they are ...

[children's videos would appear here]

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